Nilfisk-Advance America Nilfisk UZ 878 Uživatelský manuál

Procházejte online nebo si stáhněte Uživatelský manuál pro ne Nilfisk-Advance America Nilfisk UZ 878. Nilfisk-Advance America Nilfisk UZ 878 User's Manual Uživatelská příručka

  • Stažení
  • Přidat do mých příruček
  • Tisk
  • Strana
    / 2
  • Tabulka s obsahem
  • Hodnocené. / 5. Na základě hodnocení zákazníků
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The UZ 878 features both practical design for easy and fast
operation, as well as the versatility that can only be found
in a high quality unit. Used for either wet or dry pick-up
applications, the large tank offers high capacity for long
use between emptying.
UZ 878
Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner
High capacity,
two speed versatility
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1 2

Shrnutí obsahu

Strany 1 - High capacity

The UZ 878 features both practical design for easy and fast operation, as well as the versatility that can only be found in a high quality unit. Used

Strany 2 - Wide range of options

96000720-01/10 © 2001.10 Nilfisk-Advance Group Printed in Denmark by Kerteminde trykHigh productivity thanks to quick pick-up, high capacity and fast

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