Nilfisk-Advance America SW 650 Uživatelský manuál

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Nilfisk SW 650
Instructions for Use
Manual De Uso
Manuale Dell'utente
Manual Do Utilizador
revised 1/95 Form Number 041280
Model 66475017
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 11 12

Shrnutí obsahu

Strany 1 - Nilfisk SW 650

Nilfisk SW 650Instructions for UseManual De UsoManuale Dell'utenteManual Do UtilizadorEnglishEspañolItalianoPortuguêsrevised 1/95 Form Number

Strany 2 - Indice Índice

9MaintenanceOnce Per Month:1 Tip the machine on its side and remove any string that iswrapped around the main sweeping broom.2 Lubricate the front ca

Strany 3

10NNManutenzioneUna volta al mese1 Mettere la macchina sul lato e rimuovere eventuali fili avvoltiintorno alla spazzola principale.2 Lubrificare la ru

Strany 4

DANMARKNilfisk-Advance Nordic A/SMyntevej 3, 8900 Randers 86 42 84 33 – Fax 86 41 19 55NORGENilfisk-Advance ASEnebakkvn, 119, 0680 Oslo, Postboks 19

Strany 5 - Ensamblaje

1Table of Contents ContenidoIndice ÍndicePageIntroduction ... 2Parts and Service

Strany 6 - FIGURA 1

2IntroductionThis manual will help you get the most from your Nilfisk SW 650.Read it thoroughly before operating the machine.This product is intended

Strany 7 - FIGURE 2

3IntroduzioneQuesto manuale consentirà di ottenere la massima prestazionedal proprio SW 650 della Nilfisk. Si prega di leggere attentamentele istruzi

Strany 8 - Montagem

4Assembly1 Pull upward on the recessed handle molded into the hopperand lift the hopper off the machine.2 Packed inside the hopper are all items

Strany 9

5ABCDFHIHandle / Asa / Manico / PegaHopperDepósitoCassettaRecipiente do póKEJMain Broom HeightAdjustment CrankManivela de ajuste de alturadel cepillo

Strany 10 - FIGURE 3

6LEMGGWheel PulleyPolea de la ruedaPuleggia della ruotaPolia da rodaBeltCorreaCinghiaCorreia de transmissãoFIGURA 2FIGURE 2

Strany 11

7Assemblaggio1 Tirare verso l’alto afferrando il manico incorporato nellacassetta e sollevare quest’ultima fino a staccarla dallamacchina.2

Strany 12 - Printed in USA 1999

8OperationCaution !This machine must not be used for picking up hazardous dust.1 Adjust the height of the main sweeping broom so that thebristles just

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